

Master Degree in “Management of Technology, Information and Security”
Diploma legal: Portaria nº 372/2003 de 5 de Maio publicada no DR nº 103 (1ª Série – B)

versão em português
  » objectives
  » scientific coordinator
  » required education
  » vaccancies
  » time table
  » table os matters and professors
  » fees
  » disccounts
  » informations


Master Degree Beginning : 8th November 2003

First Lesson



To study and analyse the technologies and the management of information having in mind its safety and security to maintain and increase resillience and competitiveness.

With information superiority you gain to competitors. With information supremacy there are no competitors.

The mastering of the apropriate management skills of today´s technology and information as well as the guarantee of their safety and security are at the core of today´s business.

We are reminded that in 1645, Padre António Vieira, in his “Sermon for the good success of the Portuguese Armed Insurrection” said:
“The consequence to be most feared in battle is the loss of opinion”, And he added: “When a battle is lost only an army is put at risk; when the opinion is lost it is the Kingdom which is at risk”.

In 1976 the definition of information warfare attributed to Thomas Rona was:
“The warfare is any operation at the strategical or tactical level that employs information to gain its objectives at any stage: reconciliation, crisis, crisis escalation, war, final war and reformulation of the peace terms between competitors”.

Nowadays the importance and relevance of these concepts is amply obvious.

This is the rationale for the Universidade Independente to organize a Master Degree Course in “Information technology, Management and Security”

It is centered at a multiplicity of aspects. Universidade Independente has put together a faculty group that are of a transdisciplinary inclination and came from different professional backgrounds: engineering, economy, science, military and pshicology.

 Scientific Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Fernando Carvalho Rodrigues

 Required Education

A Bsc or a BA degree.


Number of vaccancies: 20

 Time Table

Normal or After working hours.

 Table os Matters and Professors

Discipline Professors

Teoria Clássica de Informação e da Evidência
Sistemas e Meios de Informação
Modelos Cognitivos
Teoria da Incerteza em Metodologia “Fuzzy”
Teoria da Decisão em Contextos Difusos e Simulação
Case Study

Prof. Doutor Michael Martin
Prof. Doutor Fernando Carvalho Rodrigues
Prof. Doutor Joaquim Reis (assisted by Engº Trigo Guedes)
Prof. Doutor Momade Rachide
Prof. Doutor John T. Dockery (assisted by Drº Miguel Rebelo Teixeira de Melo Ramos)
Prof. Doutor Rui José de Sousa Carvalho


Inscription: 50 €


Anual fee:
1st year: 2.700 €
2nd year: 1.500 €
Public exam: 500 €


30% of the annual fee: All those with a Universidade Independente degree. Those having a post-graduation in Universidade Independente on this same area.


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