(Maria Luzia dos Santos Travado)

Clinical Psychologist
Psychotherapist (cognitive-behavior model)
Master in Psychology, area of Psychotherapy and Health Psychology
Chief of Clinical Psychology Unit at Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa (Zona Central), Lisbon

Teacher and researcher at Independent University, Lisbon, Portugal

Professional Address:                                                                                       Clinical Psychology Unit
Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa (Zona Central)                                                           Hospital S. José,
Rua José António Serrano, 1150-199 Lisboa, Portugal
tel. 351 218841579/1443; Fax: 351 218841031

will change to






1. Education
2. Extra Courses
3. Professional Activity
4. Professional Courses
5. Research Activities

6. Teachin
g Activities at University

7. Talks, Presentations, Communications and Awards
8. Publications In Scientific Journals
9. Member of Scientific Societies

1. Ed

       1. EDUCATION

·         Licenship in Psychology, clinical area, at University of Lisboa (Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences) on 1984.

·         4 years Post-Graduation Diploma on Psychotherapy (Cognitive-Behavior and Constructivist oriented)

·         Master in Psychology - Health Psychology and Psychotherapy, by the University of Lisbon, 2003. Thesis on psycho-oncology area: “Developmental Characterization of Breast Cancer Women’s Subjective Meanings of Their Illness and Coping Processes”.


2. Extra Courses


·         Drama Therapy Course in 1987/88.

·         "First European Summer School Of Cognitive Therapy", 15 days at University of Lisbon, June and July 1988.

·         Drama Therapy Methods in Psychotherapy, 10 classes from April to June 1990.


3. Professional Activity


·         Principal Assistant of Clinical Psychology.

·         Chief of Clinical Psychology Unit at Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa (Zona Central), Lisbon (including professionals of the 3 merged Hospitals: S. José, Sto. António dos Capuchos and N.ª Sra. Do Desterro), since October 2004.

·         Pioneer of Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology at Hospital de S. José, initiated activity in July 1985, working as clinical psychologist in the field of health psychology. First psychologist in this hospital and pioneer of the clinical work developed. Specialist in clinical psychology: principal assistant (career degree). All work service classifications: “excellent”. Chief of Psychotherapy Service since 1996.

·         Responsible for the clinical programs developed for various clinical populations, namely, breast cancer patients and other cancer populations, attempted suicides, severe burns, morbid obesity, stroke and others. Presents yearly the Clinical Activities Report. Participates in Scientific Meetings organized by the hospital, with clinical presentations.

·         Responsible for the clinical supervision of undergraduate students by protocol with University of Lisbon and Independent University, and also of recently graduated psychologists by the IEFP training professionals programs.

·         Participation in juries for career degree and professional selection.

·         Participation as teacher in professional continuous education courses.

·         Co-coordinator of the Project "Organization and development of Palliative care in Hospital S. José", financed by Gulbenkian Foundation (2003-2005).




4.1. In Psycho-Oncology:

·         2nd Intensive Seminar in Psycho-Oncology: “Communication With Cancer Patients And Families – How To Train The Attending Staff” (12h) by Prof. Darius Razavi, Brussels Univ.

·         Post-Graduated Course on Bereavement, by Prof. A. Barbosa, Dept. Med. Ed., Lisbon Univ.

·         Workshop “Improving Health Staff’s Communication And Assessment Skills Of Psychosocial Morbidity And Quality Of Life In Cancer Patients”, Prof. Walter Baile, MDA Cancer Center de Houston.

·         III Workshop on Psycho-Oncology: “Talking With Patients About Dying” (14h), by Prof. Dr. William Breitbart, do MSKCC New York.

·         5th Intensive Seminar in Psycho-Oncology (12h), by Professors James Holland e Jimmie Holland, June 2003.

·         “Basic course of Palliative Care and End-of life Issues”, by Dr. Isabel Neto and her team of Palliative Care (30h), Hosp. S. José (2004).

·         Workshop on “Improving Communications skills in Palliative care with patients and families" by Walter Baile (15h), H.S.J. (2004).

·         Training in Psycho-Oncology and Palliative Care as an observer’s at: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, oriented  by Prof. William Breitbart, April 12-17, 2004; Palliative Care Unit at Oporto Portuguese Institute of Oncology, chief Dr. Edna Gonçalves, July 19- 30, 2004; and at Continued Care Team of Odivelas Health Center, oriented by Dr.Isabel Neto, November 19- 26, 2004.

·         P.A.I.N. (Pain Associates’ International Network) management – State of the Art: cancer pain. 12h workshop in January 2005.


 4.2. Other courses:

·         “Hospital Research Methodology”

·         “Advanced Computer Course” at Educ.Center, H.S.J.

·         “Promoting Health and Develop Citizenship” by the Dept. of Human Health Resources.

·         "1st Course on Perceptive, cognitive and behavior problems of the Head Injury Patient” at Hospital de Faro.

·         Course on “Training for Lecturers” at Education Center of Hospital S. José.


5. Research Activities


·         Since 1989 til 2000, researcher of the line of research on Dialectical and Developmental Studies in Psychotherapy and Health Psychology at Center of Psychometrics and Education Psychology at University of Lisbon.

·         More recently is researcher at the Center of Research in Health and Human Development at Independent University.

·         Researcher member of the SEPOS- project entitled “Improving Health Staff’s Communication And Assessment Skills Of Psychosocial Morbidity And Quality Of Life In Cancer Patients: A Study In South European Countries” (SEPOS), approved and financed by the European Commission on Health and Consumer’s Protection (SI2.307317.2000CVG2-026).

·         Coordinator of a bilateral project between Hospital S. José, Lisbon and Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro de Genoa, Italy, entitled "Promoting Quality of Life and Psychosocial Well-Being for Oncology Patients and their Families in Italy and Portugal.”

·         Research areas: psycho-oncology, severe burns, parassuicide, stroke, morbid obesity.


6. Teaching Activities at University


·         Lectures the subject “Psychological Intervention Methods for Chronic Diseases” (1 semester), for the Health Area of the last year of Graduation in Psychology at Independent University of Lisbon since 2000/01.

·         Lectures the module of “Intervention for Acute and Chronic Diseases” (18h) of the Post-Graduation Course in Clinical Health Psychology at Independent University since 2001/2002 and of the Master in Health Psychology.

·         Co-coordinator of the “Post-Graduation in Psycho-oncology and Palliative Care” at Independent University of Lisbon and teaches Psycho-oncology I and II and Communication Skills.

·         Jury of thesis for graduation in Psychology.


7. Talks, Presentations, Communications and Awards


More than 40 during these 19 years of clinical activity, on the clinical psychological perspective on breast cancer, attempted suicides, severe burns, stroke, morbid obesity, etc.

7.1. AWARDS:

·         3rd Prize of the Posters contest at the XVI Jornadas Médicas do Hospital S. José- Hospital do Desterro, June 2003, for the presentation entitled: “Caracterização Psicológica Da População De Obesidade Mórbida Seguida Na Consulta Multidisciplinar Do Hospital S.José (Psychological characterization of morbid obesity population of the Hospital S. José multidisciplinar consultation ”.

·         3rd Prize offered by the European Burns Association sponsored by the Dutch and Belgium Burns Foundations for the work entitled: “Burned Patients’ Subjective Experience Of Their Treatment And Recovery Process: Clues For The Psychosocial Dimension In Health Care”, presented at the 10th Congress of the EBA, September 2003, Bergen, Norway.


7.2. Participation in Scientific Committees

  • Participation in the scientific committee of the 7th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology, organized by the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) held in Copenhagen August 25-28th, having selected abstracts and as jury for awarding the best posters.
  • Participation in the scientific and organizing committees of the 11th European Congress of Burns of the European Association of Burns (EBA) that will be held in September 2005.


8. Publications In Scientific Journals



        8.1. As author

  • Travado, L. e Reis, J. (2000) “What Do They Think About Their Illness? Breast Cancer Patients’ Conceptions About Their Illness And Recovery.” In Psycho-Oncology, Vol. 9 (5): 386, Suppl. Sep-Oct. (Meeting Abstract).
  • Travado, L. e Matos, J.N. (2001) “Who Lives Longer And Better? A Study With Treated Breast Cancer Women” Em Liberdade, Anais Científicos Da Universidade Independente, Vol. 2, Nº4, Pp. 145-153.
  • Travado, L. Et Al. (2001) “Psychological Assessment Of The Burn Inpatient.” Em Annals Of Burns And Fire Disasters, Vol.Xiv, Nº3, 138-142.
  • Travado,L., Ventura,C., Martins,C. Gil,F., Grassi,L. (2003) Oncologists’ Communication Skills And Psychosocial Beliefs In Patient Care In Italy, Portugal And Spain: The Southern European Psycho-Oncology Group Study. In Psycho-Oncology, vol. 12 (4) Suppl: 513 (meeting abstract).
  • Travado, L., Reis, J. (2003) Breast Cancer Patients’ subjective Meanings about their Illness: a Cognitive-Development Framework. In Psycho-Oncology, vol. 12 (4) Suppl: 388 (meeting abstract).

·         Travado, L., Reis, J. (2003) Caracterização Desenvolvimentista de Significações de Doença em Mulheres com Cancro da Mama. Livro de Resumos do V Simpósio de Investigação em Psicologia, Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia, pp 157-158.

  • Travado L, Gil F, Ventura C, Martins C, Grassi L. (2004) Does spirituality make a difference? Report from the Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study (SEPOS). In Psycho-Oncology, vol. 13 (8) Suppl: 237 S111 (meeting abstract)
  • Travado L, Grassi L, Gil F, Ventura C, Martins C and the Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study (SEPOS) Group Physician-patient communication among Southern European cancer physicians: The influence of psychosocial orientation, and burnout. Psycho-Oncology (in press).

·         Travado L, Pires R, Martins V, Ventura C, Cunha S. Abordagem psicológica da obesidade mórbida: Caracterização e apresentação do protocolo de avaliação psicológica. Análise Psicológica (in press).

8.2. As co-author:

  • Grassi,L., Travado,L., Gil,F., Campos,R., Lobo,A., Barbosa,A. (2002) “Patient-Oncologist Concordance in Rating Psychosocial Distress Secondary to Cancer In the South European Psycho-Oncology Study (SEPOS).” Psychosomatic Medicine, 64: (85-174) (196-meeting abstract)
  • Grassi,L., Gil,F., Travado,L., Lobo,A., Campos,R., Barbosa,A., Tomamichel,M. (2002) Psychosocial Morbidity among Cancer Patients: the South European Psychoncology Group (SEPOG) Study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 52: 323-324 (319-meeting abstract)
  • Grassi,L., Baile,W., Travado,L., Gil,F., Lluch,P., Campos,R., (2002) The Development of a Workshop to Improve Oncologist’s Ability to Detect Psychosocial Stress Symptom among Cancer Patients. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 52: 319-320 (321-meeting abstract)
  • Gil,F., Travado,L., Tomamichel,M. Grassi, L. (2003) Visual Analogue Scales (VAS) and Hospital and Depression (HAD) Scale as Tools for Evaluating Distress in Cancer Patients: a Multicenter Southern European Study. In Psycho-Oncology, vol. 12 (4) Suppl: 620 (meeting abstract)
  • Grassi,G., Sabato, S., Rossi,E., Magnani, K., Tralli,G., Travado, L., Gil,F., Tomamichel,M. (2003) Coping and Psychosocial Consequences of Cancer in the South European Psychooncology Group Study. In Psycho-Oncology, vol. 12 (4) Suppl: 437 (meeting abstract)
  • Gil F, Travado L, Tomamichel M, Hollenstein MF, Mate J, Grassi L. (2004) Risk Factors for Depression in Cancer patients: Report from the Southern European Psycho-Oncology Study (SEPOS). In Psycho-Oncology, vol. 13 (8) Suppl: 113 S54 (meeting abstract).

·         Grassi L, Travado L, Gil F, Baile W. (2004) Training Southern European Oncologists to Recognize Psychosocial Morbidity in their Cancer Patients. In Psycho-Oncology, vol. 13 (8) Suppl: 64 S31 (meeting abstract)

  • Grassi L, Travado L, Gil F, Rossi E. & SEPOS Group. (2004) Psychosocial dimensions of cancer: general findings from the Southern European cross-cultural Psycho-Oncology Study (SEPOS), J Affective Disorders, Dec.83 (2-3): 243-8.
  • Grassi L, Baile W, Travado L, Gil F, et al., (2004) A Communication Intervention For Training Southern European Oncologists To Recognize  Psychosocial Morbidity In Cancer Patients. I - Development Of The  Model And Preliminary Results On Physicians’ Satisfaction. J Cancer Education  (in press).
  • Gil F, Grassi L, Travado L, et al., Use Of A Visual Analogue Scale To Measure Psychosocial Concomitants Of Cancer In Southern European Countries. Supp Care Cancer (in press)




9. Mer of Scientific Societies


Portuguese Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy (A.P. Psicoterapia Cognitiva)

Portuguese Academy of Psycho-Oncology (Academia Portuguesa de Psico-Oncologia)

International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS)

European Burns Association (EBA), member of the PAM Committee (Professions Allied to Medicine) )

European Health Psychology Society (EHPS)

Portuguese Society of Senology

Viva Mulher Viva Associação (Presidente e fundadora)

